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Muscle Strength

As we age, our muscles begin to shrink and lose mass and strength. Our bone density also diminishes resulting in thinner and weaker bones. Muscle strengthening is key to reduce these effects. Bodyweight exercises are some of the most effective strength and muscle-building exercises. With the FITT Rack, you can perform bodyweight exercises such as knee raises, push-ups, and tricep dips in order to build muscle strength. 

Muscle Endurance

Building muscle endurance increases your agility and overall stamina to do daily activities. With the FITT Rack, you can perform multiple sets of high repetition bodyweight exercises such as timed push-ups, pull-ups, and squats to improve muscular endurance.


Weight Loss

Bodyweight workouts are an effective way to lose weight or unwanted body fat. Bodyweight exercises focus on compound movements that work multiple large muscles simultaneously rather than ones that isolate one muscle at a time. These compound movements involve more muscles and therefore burn more calories. With the FITT Rack, you can perform compound movements such as L-seated pull-ups, spider push-ups, and tricep dips.


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Flexibility is needed to perform everyday functional activities such as getting out of bed, lifting your children, or standing up from sitting in a chair or on the couch. Without adequate flexibility, these activities become more difficult to perform over time.  Improved flexibility enhances performance in muscular conditioning, which helps prevent loss of mobility and strength as we age. The FITT Rack can help increase flexibility and range of motion.

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